Our Programs

Weekly Food Program
Weekly Food for the Homeless

We distribute approximately 100 boxes of food for the homeless folks every Saturday from 11 am – 1 pm in downtown Regina (outside at 1651 11th Ave, Regina, SK).

Our goal for this activity is to offer as much support as possible with prepared meals to the homeless population in downtown Regina.

Since its inception, MAS distributed more than 1200 meals (pizza, pasta, burger and sandwiches) to homeless folks in downtown Regina.

Food Hamper Program
Food Insecurity
Monthly Food Hampers

We offer a comprehensive and nutritious food hamper to low-income students, individuals and families. Currently, we support approximately 50 low-income students, individuals and families once a month.

Our Hamper Distribution is held on the second Saturday of every month.

⏩ To access our monthly food hamper program, please apply at https://muslimaidsk.ca/food-hamper-application/

⏩ Questions? Email foodbank@muslimaidsk.ca

ASPIRE - Saskatchewan

ASPIRE – Saskatchewan is a Case Management program run by MAS and partner & founder of ASPIRE, Muslim Food Bank & Community Services (MFBCS).

Volunteer Caseworkers support individuals (ASPIRE clients) who are struggling in their life, with a goal to help them become self-reliant. Caseworkers are trained and supervised to provide clients, one on one social, and emotional support.

⏩ *ASPIRE – SK is currently only accepting clients from our Food Hamper Program. Please apply at https://muslimaidsk.ca/food-hamper-application/

⏩ Questions? Email casework@muslimaidsk.ca

People that Need Clean Drinking Water
Nunc mattis enim ut tellus elementum. Porta nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet. Aliquam purus sit amet luctus.
Raised $07,550
Goal $12,000
Let’s Help Children Build a Happy Future
Viverra vitae congue eu consequat. Cursus euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante.

Raised $08,500

Goal $10,000
Copy of Website Images(37)
Mental Health
Shifaa Program

Shifaa Program of Muslim Food Bank in collaboration with Muslim Food Bank and Community Services is offering its Mental Health services rooted in Respect, Dignity and Confidentiality in following areas:

🌸 Addictions (alcohol, gambling, gaming, porn, shopping)
🌸 Anger and stress management, emotional wellness
🌸 Substance Abuse
🌸 Anxiety, and depression
🌸 Identity crisis, conflict in values, family of origin
🌸 Eating disorders, learning difficulties, phobias
🌸 Life transitions, grief and loss
🌸 Migration and racial trauma
🌸 Family conflict
🌸 Surviving abuse and violence

⏩ To access this program, please apply at:

⏩ Questions? Email coordinator@muslimfoodbank.com Everything you share will be kept confidential and Amanah (trust & honesty).

⏩ One of our Empathy Buddies will reach out to you and connect you with relevant services & certified counsellors.

Winter Kits

We distribute winter kits to the homeless and the low-income families in Regina. In the winter of 2022 we collaborated with Islamic Relief Canada, prepared and distributed 200 winter kits to the Carmichael Outreach and to our MAS Food Hamper Program.

Contact Us

Donate Small, Help Many

We are a community-led and community-controlled non-profit organization. Volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization. All of our programs and activities are run by volunteers. Since its inception, MAS distributed hundreds of meals (pizza, pasta, and burger) to homeless folks in Regina downtown.

If you need a tax receipt, please use following donation instructions:

⦁ To contribute to the reduction of food insecurity in our community.
⦁ To assist those in need with food hampers and case management services.
⦁ To encourage empowerment and self-reliance.
⦁ To support youth and adults struggling with Mental Health Issue & Substance Use

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